Redmond, Natalie (Associate Writer)Mankoff, Ben '11 (Director)2019-09-202019-09-202019-09 pagesCubby​, a “quirky queer coming-of-age comedy” co-directed by ​Ben Mankoff​ ’11, has been making the rounds of the international queer film festival circuit since its release earlier this year. The film was included in Italy’s 2019 ​Torino LGBTQI International Film Festival and has since been part of festivals in Barcelona, Toronto, San Francisco, Ireland, and Los Angeles. Cubby​’s next stop is New York City, where the film will be a centerpiece at October’s ​NewFest​. It will subsequently have a limited theatrical release on November 1, 2019, and be available to rent from iTunes and Amazon. The experience of directing and promoting a feature film has been a new one for Mankoff, a theatre actor whose film background is largely self-taught.en-USLGBTQ people -- DramaLGBTQ people -- ComedyComedy filmsA Quirky Queer Coming-of-Age Comedy (Press Release)CubbyArticle