2022-03-172022-03-172007http://hdl.handle.net/11209/16313Martha Graham Letter to the World; Martha Hill On Early Dance at Bennington; Ben Belitt a translation of Libro a poem by Pablo Neruda; R. Buckminster Fuller Prime Design; Helen Frankenthaler ’49 Tales of Genji III: a painting; W.H. Auden Noon: a poem; Stanley Kunitz an interview; Wallace Fowlie Return to Bennington; Carol Channing ’42 Back from NRT; Peter Drucker an interview by Rebecca T. Godwin; Kenneth Burke Rx for Prosperity; Alan Arkin ’55 Arkin on Arkin; Shirley Jackson On Being a Faculty Wife; The New Yorker cartoons by Lee Lorenz, Charles Saxon, and Warren Miller; Howard Nemerov This, That & The Other a poem; David Smith Reality Is a Choice; Erich Fromm The Age of Anxiety; Bob Dylan “The Times They Are A-Changin”’; Julian Bond The Social System is Part of the Problem; Andrea Dworkin ’68 a photographic portrait; Jules Feiffer Men and Women; Kathleen Norris ’41 two poems; Andy Warhol On Warhol’s “Campbell Soup Can” by Suzanne Stanton ’65; The Green Mountain Boys; Kurt Vonnegut Skylarking and Socialism; Bernard Malamud Idiots First: a short story Michael Pollan ’76 an excerpt from The Botany of Desire; Anaïs Nin This Taboo Is Lifting; Sally Mann ’73 58 two photographs; Milford Graves “Jazz Scientist”; Jonathan Lethem ’86 an excerpt from Motherless Brooklyn; Bret Easton Ellis ’86 a photographic portrait; Donna Tartt ’86 a photographic portrait; Mansour Farhang Reflections on Terrorism; Kiran Desai ’93an excerpt from Man Booker Prize-winning The Inheritance of Loss; Anna Gaskell ’92 a photograph from ‘half life’ Steven Bach an excerpt from Dazzler: The Life and Times of Moss Hart; Mary Oliver Flare: a poem; Nelson Mandela an excerpt from the foreword of Shades of Difference: Mac Maharaj and the Struggle for South Africa; Donald Hall The Hard Man: a poem; Dana Reitz Sea Walk a photograph by Nancy Campbellen-USBennington: The Alumni Magazine. Special 75th Anniversary Edition (Fall 2007)