Anderson, Constance2014-06-192014-06-191936-03-18 Walloomsac River flooded in March 1936. Dr. Osbourne warned the community of the danger of infection and disease in wading in the flood waters and requested that the community meet the present emergency in an intelligent fashion. She also requested that every girl who has not had measles report daily to the infirmary until the danger of a measles epidemic is passed. Mrs. Garrett announced that until the college could again receive power for electricity etc. that there would be lights in the halls and bathrooms of the student houses. She also requested that no candles be used in the student houses and that fire screens be kept around the fireplaces as during the present emergency the Bennington fire equipment would be unable to get to the college, and that the students save on electricity as it would be needed for cooking etc.Community Meeting Minutes March 18, 1936