Seidler, Doreen2016-09-022016-09-021969-05-16"It was precisely with regard to change in the interests of educational matters, not men in rooms, that last spring's"movement"was initiated. For example, self-study, was, in part, undeniably a reaction to the substance of last spring's dilemma, a dilemma which neither ended last spring nor did it resolve itself last fall. The momentum and support the "movement" gained bore witness to its central concerns: Each potential signer of the petition was apprised of our larger concerns with educational policy and orientation. Whether the hours issue was the best or potentially most successful vehicle for the expression of those concerns,is not properly at issue here. But the notion that it was men in rooms, rather than educational policies and priorities,is too facile,superficial, and in the last analysis, distorted an appraisal,to let pass by."en-USA Partial Rejoinder