Andrews, David (Environmental Working Group)Environmental Studies at Bennington College is Pleased to Announce a Public Lecture on PFOA2016-04-012016-04-012016-04-07 Andrews is Senior Scientist at the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a storied organization devoted to advancing science, updating policy, and educating citizens around environmental health issues. With a Ph.D in chemistry, Andrews’ work focuses on building a scientific case for improving environmental regulations. More recently, Andrews has become a leading voice on PFOA concerns. Andrews was the co-author of an influential 2015 report documenting the national extent of the PFOA drinking water contamination and calling for more robust regulation of PFOA attuned to new assessments of its risks. Andrews has become a go-to source on the latest news on PFOA, from where PFOA is being discovered to the latest health research on PFOA to what cities and states are doing about PFOA to what should be done. He has been interviewed by numerous media outlets on the growing mismatch between the science and policy of PFOA in the US, including an interview on VPR in March. Date, time and place of event : THURSDAY, APRIL 7 2016, Tishman Auditorium, Bennington College, 7:00 pmenPostersWater--PollutionPFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid)PFOA : (Poster) Nonstick Stain-Repellent Chemicals : A Poisoned LegacyImage