Galleys, 1980 - 1983

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    Asylum to Chilean Students and Foreign Political Refugees
    (1983-09-18) Cheuse, Alan; Gonzalez, Eduardo
    "Thousands of Chilean and foreign students have been arrested by the military junta which last week overthrew the Allende government. The governments of Argentina, Mexico, and Peru have let it be known to friends of the Chilean democracy that if American sentiment is strong they will open their doors to political refugees from among the student group."
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    Black Music Workshop on on Ear Training and Improvisation
    "John LaPorta, musician, composer, author and teacher will present a Workshop on Ear Training and Improvisation at the Black Music Division's weekly forum on Tuesday, May 20, 1980."
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    Sun Festival
    (1980-05-19) Recreation Committee
    "Here comes the sun ... celebrate the arrival of Spring in the great tradition of Bennington College with our annual Sun Festival. The Festival is only four days away. We've already got five bands, twice as many kegs, a dinner feast on commons lawn, one outdoor and one indoor party, sunrise services, sweat lodges and dances."
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    Update on Judson Project
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    Beyond Dyke Bars
    (1980-06-04) Members of the Lesbian Community
    "We'd like to register an objection to the choice of play produced by the Bennington Drama Division. The objection is not against the production or the acting, which were excellent, but to the treatment of lesbianism. That lesbianism is even mentioned in the lines of a contemporary play shows some measure of progress, but we wonder why, in any straight film, play, or book that does mention it, lesbians are always portrayed as unattractive, perverted, sinister, and --the favorite--humorless. women Behind Bars shows lesbians as all these things and more: namely, that they would really prefer to be with men."