Galleys Related to Governance

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Galleys were informal publications (usually one page in length) that were mimeographed or photocopied and distributed to all members of the Bennington College community. Students, faculty, and staff members used galleys as a forum to comment on campus issues and events, express opinions on national and international issues, and as a creative outlet. While many galleys are signed with the author’s name or initials, some galley authors chose to use pseudonyms or remain anonymous. The collection of galleys is sporadic from 1957-1964 and after 1979.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 34
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    Open Meeting for Students Only
    Open meeting for students only to propose a unified group of perceptions, suggestions, etc. to improve the community especially in terms of academic issues.
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    Structural changes, educational reforms and the function of S.E.P.C.
    (1969-05-05) Bruch, Robin; Lawton, Linda; Bro, Erika; Weis, Cathy; Holzman, Alan; Skinner, Beth; Dewey, Kippy; Gershman, Judy; Crain, Pat; Girard, Kathy; Nowak, Allison; Swinnerton, Gail; Goodman, Jill; Mitchell, Becky; Smith, Kathy; Tice, Janet; Welch, Polly
    We will be considering: 1.) Changes in curricular structure 2.) Mid-term comments--their uses and effectiveness 3.) Grades 4.) Possibilities of SEPC [Student Educational Policies Committee] recommending legislation 5.) Defining the status of SEPC within the classroo
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    Constitutional Amendment
    (1969-03-13) Stewart, Edith
    "The following amendment to the Constitution, originally drafted by the Community Council, has been proposed for adoption by the Faculty."
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    New faculty Hiring
    "The committee constituted to hire new faculty members for the Drama Division wishes to repudiate the suggestion that it serves only a rubber-stamp role."
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    Response to September 17, 1967 Galley
    "The Galley of September 17 epitomized the immature approach to complex problems of the community that best obviates concerted action toward solutions."
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    Constitutional Council Meeting
    (1968-05-09) Elzey, Diana; Feeley, Helen; Golffing, Frances; Meyers, Elizabeth; Pearson, Harry; Ricks, Arnold; Tate, Lisa; Welter, Rush; Zenge, Judith
    "The Constitutional Council has been convened to proposed changes in the Standards and Rules concerning (1) Pets and (2) Men in Rooms"
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    Meeting about Community Concerns
    "On the Monday afternoon a general meeting will be held. During this meeting there will be a presentation of the main issues conducted by special groups who will have made a study of the following topics: 1) Classes, curriculum and counseling 2) Co-education 3) Community Government 4) Philosophy of Bennington 5) Campus Living Conditions 6) The Role of the College in the Outside Community"
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    Student Constituency Proposal Regarding Pets
    (1968-06-05) Feeley, Helen; Constitutional Council; Welter, Rush; Zenge, Judith; Elzey, Diana; Golffing, Francis; Meyers, Elizabeth; Pearson, Harry; Tate, Lisa; Ricks, Arnold
    "The Constitutional Council unanimously finds against the student legislation affecting pets. The Council accepts the Student Constituency ' s contention that students should have the privilege of keeping pets if they could show that pets' presence on campus would work no hardship on the Community, but it finds that sanitation, good health, and the proper maintenance of student houses are incompatible with their presence."
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    The Powers Invested in the Student Educational Policy Committee
    (1967-10-05) Enlund, Elizabeth; Smith, Adele
    "The recent galley entitled "A Form for Student Action" is ignorant of the powers invested in the Student Educational Policy Committee. Evaluation of individual courses is not EPC's sole responsibility. EPC is the communication channel between faculty and students on divisional and school-wide issues including panels, counseling, comments-grades, and distribution of courses. Student opinion on policy is "defined, articulated, and acted on' through meetings of divisional representatives."
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    Discrepancy Between Rules and Standards and Practice
    (1967) Judicial Committee
    "What we are calling for is some serious, rational deliberation about the place and nature of regulations in this community that is fundamentally concerned with the opportunities for learning and doing and being of its individual members in an atmosphere of freedom and responsibility."
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    A Letter to the Constitutional Council
    (1967-06-09) Orloff, Natalie
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    Freedom and Ambiguity
    (1965-04-16) Hollins, Martha; Munter, Carol
    "Those students who are advocating freedom are, by asking for delineation, negating that freedom. The questions, the fears about limitations of freedom stem from what we would like to think is non-recognition of, but may well be withdrawal from, the underlying working concept of this community, one which we would like to call the concept of ambiguity...a working principle which involves grays, shadows, uncertainties, rather than sharp distinctions. It is this concept which must be investigated and confronted."
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    Student Freedom
    (1965-04-14) Dovydenas, Liuda; McCormick, Jane; Rosenberg, Judy; Snow, Julie; Sunila, Joyce
    "Only through vociferous self-assertion can the students make clear their understanding of the "Bennington way", and thereby influence the evolution of the Bennington experiment."
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    To Provoke a Little Thought for Tonight
    "If this college is, for you, anything more than just a place to exist for four years or if you want it to be something more than that; then be willing just once, to be honest. Look at the college - is it fulfilling its goals (does it even know them any more?), is it the school you came here for? Look at yourself - are you taking your part of the responsibility that this school asks? Or are you hiding, are you using the school only as a shield from responsibility and commitment?"
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    Quality of Education and Communal Responsibility
    (1966) Dworkin, Andrea
    "This college seems determined to bury what is unique and important here, and to normalize into a dwarf-like reproduction of conventional colleges all over the country."
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    Changes to the Educational Policy Committee
    (1966-04-04) Levin, Ginny; Morgan, Kate
    "We wish to call to the attention of the student body the proposal for changes in EPC policy now being presented at student house meetings. Because student-faculty communication has always been a unique and integral part of Bennington, and because it has been the subject of much discussion over the past year, we feel that careful consideration of this issue is in the best interests of the community. The recent proposal provides for student discussion of departmental, inter-departmental, and general educational policy via a questionnaire to be distributed to students and returned to divisional EPC representatives We fully support this proposal. We do not, however, support the second provision which seeks to make optional the class EPC meeting and abolish the representative's written report."