The Bennington Theatre Studio Presents: Blood Wedding (program)


Lorca had an international reputation as a poet while he was still in his early thirties; and his songs written in a folk tradition, were already popular with the Spanish people. He wrote for the theatre from the very first, and for the last few years of his life he had a troupe of university students which, with the aid of the Loyalist Government, toured the provinces with a repertory of Spanish classics. Perhaps this troupe might have played a role in Spain like that of Copeau's Vieux Colombier in France. The Vieux Colombier was directly or indirectly responsible for the best French theatre before the present war. But Lorca was killed by some of Franco's soldiers in 1936 and his works are now being published in Argentina.



Fergusson, Francis, Lauterer, Arch, Luening, Otto, Hill, Martha, 1900-1995, Bales, William, 1910-1990, Bottomly, Helen, Glass, Edward, Richardson, Faith, Ginsberg, Vida, Bailey, Susan, Reitell, Elizabeth, Brenner, Muriel, Litchfield, Sally, Mills, Ann, Hutcheson, Louise, Donaldson, Ann, Engel, Lisette, Handwerk, Marjorie, Collier, Joan, Meriss, Joan, Benjamin, Stanton, Luening, Otto, Lavack, Martha, Lewisohn, Irene, Weissberger, Jose A
